Culture Makes You Special
Date                    : 26-27 November 2016
Place                   : Student Center Meeting Room UIN SGD
Price                    : IDR 35.000
Storytelling is the art of using language, vocalization, and physical movement and gesture to reveal the elements and images of a story to a specific, live audience. A central, unique aspect of storytelling is its reliance on the audience to develop visual imagery and detail to complete and co-create the story.
Story telling competition is a competition in which participants use language, vocalization, physical movement and gesture to reveal or interpret the elements and images of a story.
1.              Storytelling style are oral narratives and spoken word
2.              Genres that may be used are historical tales, oral histories, family histories, personal histories, and  proverbs.
3.              Contestant will have  5 to 7 minutes for the presentation of the story.
4.              Contestants must provide a typed copy of the story (in Times New Roman 12 point font) on the day of Technical Meeting.
5.              Time will start when the contestant first speaks.
6.              The judges will signal time to the participant(s) using flags:
a.              Green flag                  : The participants begins his/her story-telling (5-7 minutes).
b.              Yellow Flag                : The story-telling has been performed for 5 minutes (Min.time)
c.               Red Flag                     : The time is up (7 minutes = maximum time)
7.              15 seconds will be given as a grace period after the 7th minute. If the story has not yet been finished, the judges will give 5 knocks to signal that time is up.

8.              The grace period will affect the score; every second past the tolerance time will reduce the score by 5 point.
9.              The score margin is 0-100.
10.         The judges’decision is final.
a)             Content (Story is delivered in logical order and is appropriate to the theme)
b)            Pronunciation (Articulation and Intonation)
c)             Fluency ( Voice Quality and Vocal Expression)
d)            Performance (Confidence, Gesture, Mimicry)
e)             Creativity
Presentation of pictures is not allowed.

The story must be original and relavant to the theme.

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